In Java, class instance variables and static variables have default values: null for all object types, false for boolean primitive and 0 for numeric primitives. But local variables inside a method have no defaults.

Consider the following code snippet:
public static void main(String[] args){
java.util.Date d;
It will fail to compile with this error:
variable d might not have been initialized
1 error
However, the following will compile and run successfully:
public static void main(String[] args){
java.util.Date d;
Because the rule is that all local variables must be initialized before they are first read. So it's perfectly OK to first declare a local variable without initializing it, initialize it later, and then use it:
public static void main(String[] args){
java.util.Date d;
//do more work
d = new java.util.Date();
It may be an old habit from languages like C, where you need to declare all local variables at the beginning of a code block. But in Java with this rule in place, it's best to defer declaring local variables till needed.


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When writing javadocs, IntelliJ automatically adds a closing tag for html elements. For instance, after typing <lt>, it automaticaly adds </lt>, or after typing <p>, it adds </p>. It can be annoying since simple html elements like those used in javadocs don't really need ending tags.

To disable javadoc automatic closing tags in IntelliJ, simply go to IntelliJ Preferences -> Editor -> Smart Keys, then on the right panel, uncheck Automatically insert closing tag.

Intellij 14 screenshot:

Intellij 15 screenshot:

A related note, JDK 8 has tightened javadoc syntax check, and as a result self-closing elements like <p/>, or <br/> are deemed invalid and will cause failures. See JDK-8020619. However, this checking can be disabled by passing nonstandard option -Xdoclint:none to javadoc tool.

4 diff tools that can be executed from command line:

diff (/usr/bin/diff): pure CLI with text output, available in any terminals:

/tmp > diff 1c1 < public class Hello { --- > public class Hello2 { 3c3 < System.out.println("Hello from " + Hello.class); --- > System.out.println("Hello2 from " + Hello2.class);

use -wub option to view contextual diff: /tmp > diff -wub --- 2014-09-24 13:16:55.000000000 -0400 +++ 2014-09-24 13:18:

java.util.Properties class (see Java SE 7 Javadoc) by default assumes ISO 8859-1 character encoding in reading and writing. So when a properties file is in other character encoding, you will see strange characters and behaviors.

Properties class has no method or constructor that takes encoding or locale parameter.

This is the simple test to show the values of properties when loading from a properties file. It tries to answer some common questions about properties value:

Do I need to trim whitespaces from a property value loaded from a properties file?

Yes. Leading whitespaces in a property value are automatically trimmed by Java, but trailing whitespaces are preserved.

This is the error from running a webapp deployed to appserver: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljavax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilderFactory; The cause: there is an xml-apis.jar under JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed directory, and so javax.xml.* classes in xml-apis.jar override those same class from JDK.

You need to create a new file with a file URI like file:/tmp/a.txt, but had this error: No such file or directory at Method) at at FileTest.main( The directory /tmp (or should already exist and should have write permission for the application. So the error message may be complaining the file (a.txt) does not exist.

When analysing a thead dump, if the thread is created with a custom thread name, we can easily trace it to where the thread pool is created by the unique thread name.

Otherwise, we will have to guess which type of thread pool is created from the stack trace, and then search the usage of creation methods like newCachedThreadPool, newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor, newScheduledThreadPool, or newCachedThreadPool.

The following java test app runs and terminates normally on Unix but hangs on Windows.

These are the steps to configure hprof profiler in GlassFish 3.x:

1, Identify the target JVM to profile.  In most cases, it's the domain administration (DAS) JVM, but it can be other JVM such as another standalone server instance, or a cluster server instance.

2, Edit $GLASSFISH_HOME/config/, locate org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property, and append hprof classes to it, using , (comma) as the package separator.  Do not forget to add a comma at the end of the existing value.

To search by keywords for a command, setting, shortcut, etc, and execute it:

Command + Shift + A

To maximize or full screen (useful when reading long lines).  You can also use the same shortcut to go full screen in FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Preview, iTunes, etc.
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