Tasks | GlassFish 3.x | JBoss AS 7 |
List all available commands | asadmin list-commands | jboss-cli.sh -c "help --commands" |
Display help info | asadmin --help | jboss-cli.sh --help |
Check version | asadmin version | jboss-cli.sh version |
Start server or domain | asadmin start-domain | standalone.sh, or domain.sh |
Stop server or domain | asadmin stop-domain | jboss-cli.sh -c :shutdown |
Restart server or domain | asadmin restart-domain | jboss-cli.sh -c ":shutdown(restart=true)" |
Start in debug mode | asadmin start-domain -d asadmin start-domain --debug |
standalone.sh --debug |
Deploy an app with CLI | asadmin deploy ~/test.war | jboss-cli.sh -c "deploy ~/test.war" |
Undeploy the test.war app | asadmin undeploy test | jboss-cli.sh -c "undeploy test.war" |
List deployed apps | asadmin list-applications asadmin list-components asadmin list-applications -l asadmin list-components --long |
jboss-cli.sh -c deploy jboss-cli.sh -c undeploy jboss-cli.sh -c "deploy -l" jboss-cli.sh -c "undeploy -l" jboss-cli.sh -c "ls deploy" |
Add a server system property | asadmin create-jvm-options -Dbuzz="This is buzz" | jboss-cli.sh -c "/system-property=buzz:add(value='This\ is\ buzz')" |
List all server system properties | asadmin list-jvm-options | jboss-cli.sh -c "/system-property=*:read-resource" |
Create a string or primitive JNDI resource | asadmin create-custom-resource --restype=java.lang.Boolean --factoryclass= org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PrimitivesAndStringFactory --property value=true resource/flag |
jboss-cli.sh -c "/subsystem=naming/binding= java\:global\/env\/flag:add( binding-type=simple, type=boolean, value=true)" |
List datasources | asadmin list-jdbc-resources | jboss-cli.sh -c "/subsystem=datasources:read-resource-description" |
Create datasource using the default db config | asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid DerbyPool jdbc/test | jboss-cli.sh -c "data-source add --name=test-ds --jndi-name=java\:jboss\/datasources\/test-ds --driver-name=h2 --connection-url=jdbc\:h2\:mem\:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY\=-1"
jboss-cli.sh -c "data-source enable --name=test-ds" |
Delete a datasource | asadmin delete-jdbc-resource jdbc/test | jboss-cli.sh -c "data-source remove --name=test-ds" |
Batch processing based on file input | asadmin multimode --file /tmp/glassfish-cli-commands.txt | jboss-cli.sh -c "batch --file=/tmp/jboss-cli-commands.txt" |
A rough comparison of GlassFish 3.x CLI and JBoss AS 7 CLI commands:
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